If you need to add captcha in your form, to follow the below steps
Step 1:
In your form add captcha image and text box
Step 2:
There two method used to check the capcha
Method 1
Open mod/capcha/start.php and
add your action name in $retrunvalue[] array
Method 2
In your module form action file call the captcha_verify_action_hook
Step 1:
In your form add captcha image and text box
$form_body .= elgg_view('input/captcha');
Step 2:
There two method used to check the capcha
Method 1
Open mod/capcha/start.php and
add your action name in $retrunvalue[] array
function captcha_actionlist_hook($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params)
if (!is_array($returnvalue))
$returnvalue = array();
$returnvalue[] = 'register';
$returnvalue[] = 'user/requestnewpassword';
$returnvalue[] = 'your action name';
return $returnvalue;
Method 2
In your module form action file call the captcha_verify_action_hook
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