Sunday, 2 October 2011

Add syntax highlighter in drupal

if(ereg("^[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{10}$", $phone_number)) {
      echo "valid phone number";
else {
       echo "invalid phone number";

To activate syntax highlighter in your drupal site to follow the below steps

1. Download syntax highlighter module to following link
    and extract to sites/all/modules directories

2. The module required following Syntax highlighter javascript library
     download and  extract sites/all/libraries directories

3. Now enable Syntax highlighter module

4. Enable the Syntaxhighlighter filter in an input format Site configuration > Input formats > Configure

5. Go to admin/settings/syntaxhighlighter to configure syntaxhighlighter module

6. If u need to highlight code to use following pre tag

<pre class="brush: js; highlight: [1, 5]; html-script: true">
     your javascript and html code here

<pre class="brush: php; highlight: [1, 5]; html-script: true">
      your php and html code here

 highlight: [1, 5] is used to highlight the code lines 1 and 5


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